Thursday, October 18, 2012

Ted Talk: A Plea For the Bees

No other insect receives such mass marketing and attention than the bee, but now all of that attention needs to be geared towards saving them. In this Tedtalk video the speaker, Dennis vanEngelsdorp elaborates on the recent decline of the bee population. Factors such as varroa mites and disorders such as Colony Collapse Disorder have all contributed to the bee population decline.  Over the past several years 36% of the bee population has disappeared because of these contributing effects. Many beekeepers have just ignored this recent decline by just importing and transporting bees across the country and from other countries. This alone is not the problem. The problem is that we are not doing anything to stop it. As stated in the video bees are major contributors to many of the natural foods we eat daily such as jam, honey, and fruit. They help carry the reproductive pollen that is essential towards the natural bloom of our environment. As we learned in class today, the smallest action can have a large or multiple impacts. If the bee population continues to diminish at its current rate then we may not have much of the natural beauty and sweeteners that we have today.

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