Sunday, April 7, 2013

"The Problematic Four"

Buriganga River- Dhaka, Bangladesh This river is plagued by the chemical waste of mills and factories, home waste, medical waste, sewage, dead animals, plastics, and oil. The city of Dhaka discharges about 4,500 tons of solid waste every day and most of it is released into the Buriganga. Environmentalists have identified nine industrial areas in and around the capital city as the primary sources of the river’s pollution: Tongi, Tejgaon, Hazaribagh, Tarabo, Narayanganj, Savar, Gazipur, Dhaka Export Processing Zone and Ghorashal. Most of the industrial units of these areas have no sewage treatment plants of their own.
Ganges River- Allahabad, India The Ganges River Pollution is now at such a high level that the amount of toxins, chemicals and other dangerous bacteria found in the river are now almost 3000 times over the limit suggested by the WHO as safe. Approximately 1 billion litres of raw, untreated sewage are dumped in the river on a daily basis. The amount has more than doubled in the last 20 years.
Yellow River- Lanzhou, China By the time the Yellow River reaches the city of Lanzhou in northwest Gansu Province, it has a muddy brown color, having picked up soil, silt and industrial waste.  The Yellow River receives pollution from smelters and factories in the city of Baiyin. It has recently gained more attention due to it dramatic color change, from a yellowy tint to a magenta red.
Jordan River- Israel Usually used for baptisms, the Jordan River had recently become the site of mass pollution. Baptisms in the Jordan River are no longer recommended due to the diversion of 98 percent of its fresh water to Israel, Syria and Jordan, as well as the discharge of untreated sewage and agricultural run-off. People of Israel are working diligently to preserve the religious integrity of the river.
Silent Spring is a book by Rachel Carson which elaborates on the impending danger of pesticides. The book was released in 1962, and is called Silent Spring because of the effects pesticides had on birds. Spring time is a season that coerces birds from their nests, and encourages them to sing their natural melodies. The title Silent Spring reflects the result of pesticide abuse on the bird population.

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