Thursday, November 29, 2012

Funky six legged Freaks

“The funky bug population of San Francisco”

November 6, 2012
San Francisco’s bug population is as diverse and colorful as the people that live there. Although the insect population is fairly steady, I believe it does cover the topic of population diversity. Amidst San Francisco’s lawns, bushes, and trees is a myriad of bugs that have a variety of colors and adaptations. The velvet ant is a species that lives in San Francisco. This “ant” which is actually a wasp looks like it is wearing a shag carpet. Other species include the Buckeye Butterfly whose wings have a mixture other colors that culminate to create a psychedelic motif. These bugs may not be breeding rapidly and threatening San Francisco’s environment with drastic growth, but they do attribute to the city’s overall biodiversity.

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