Sunday, August 19, 2012


3: I actually learned a lot during my first week in AP Environmental Science. I learned the difference between environmental science and environmentalism. Environmental science is the unbiased study of the environment, while environmentalism is a movement regarding concerns for environmental conservation and preservation. I also learned about an effective method to reduce the amount of paper towels we waste every year. The method created by Joe Smith is called the shake and fold method, which consist of shaking your hands twelve times and only using one paper towel to dry them off. The last thing I learned about was how to convert hectares into square feet. One hectare which is an area that is 100 meters by 100 meters is equal to 107,639ft2.

2: I would like to know more about human intervention on wildlife, and what we can do to prevent the extinction of some endangered species. I would also like to know more about alternative forms of energy, and the forms that are the most beneficial for our environment.

1: One thing I feel confident about teaching to the class is the difference between environmental science and environmentalism.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your feedback. We will be covering EXTENSIVELY about wildlife conservation. In fact, we will be having a guest speaker from a wildlife refuge and rehab center. If you are interested in conservation, the Atlanta Zoo accepts volunteers for all kinds of positions you should check out! Energy will be an expert when I'm done with you. In fact, in the second semester, you will design sustainable city and a solar home.
