Friday, August 17, 2012

The Infamous Five

Paper Towels- Wasting paper towels seems insignificant but when millions of them are wasted everyday they really make a detrimental impact. If we use the “shake and fold” method we saw in class then we can save millions of trees, and ultimately the environment.

Thermostat-People waste entirely too much electricity using their thermostats. Most people, including me turn their thermostats up too high, or too low. If we keep our thermostats at a moderate temperature of 68 to 72 degrees, then we can save a lot of power.

Air Fresheners- Various air fresheners have been found to contain carcinogens which can cause lung cancer, and even contribute to ozone depletion. Aerosol cans are inefficient and often times over used. We can diminish the amount of carcinogens we emit by using something as simple as scented candles.

Plastic Bags- Only 5% of plastic bags are recycled. They are most times littered or spend time decomposing in landfills or on the side of the road. If we use reusable grocery bags we will be able to save the environment from sea and land pollution.

Soda Pack Rings- Soda rings strangle animals all the time. Most birds and fish get their heads stuck in a ring and are choked to death. We can simply prevent this by cutting the rings before we dispose of them, properly! 

1 comment:

  1. Good points

    It is also important to educate on the fact that plastic bags need to be recycled separately from other plastic. There are a lot of places (Seattle, San Fran, Hawaii, Vermont) that have outright banned the use of plastic bags in businesses so we are heading in the right direction.

    Thanks for bringing up the plastic rings. No one has mentioned that and it is still a problem even after years of people talking about it!
