Thursday, August 16, 2012

TED Talk Reflection

    Wasting paper towels is on my list of shameful and casual habits that could be improved upon, and today in class I was forced to face the reality of my careless hand drying methods. In this short TED talk video, a man named Joe Smith explains how to dry your hands with only one paper towel. He gives a demo which consists of two crucial steps: shake your hands twelve times and fold the paper towel in half. This method may seem simple but if the staggering numbers he gave are true, then we can all risk looking a little silly shaking our hands twelve times. I believe Mr. Smith’s method of conserving paper towels is thorough and effective. Everyday people waste millions of paper towels, and I’m even a habitual offender. Most people don’t realize that their profligate disposal of paper towels affects the environment in numerous ways. Thousands of trees are sacrificed for the production of paper towels, the plastic they are packed in harms the environment, and the most detrimental pollution comes from the factories that produce the paper towels themselves. Joe Smith’s technique is effortless and efficient, you wash, shake, fold, and your dry! His method is not only working towards preservation for a better environment and future, but it is fun as well. So the next time you wash your hands don’t forget to shake and fold!

1 comment:

  1. This is exactly why I wanted to show this video. I'm in your position. Mainly out of ignorance and ease. Growing up not being told about this kind of stuff stunted my "environmental growth". The great thing is you don't have to change your whole life. You can make modifications and adapt things that are easy to do. Just being aware is sometimes the best way to start the process.
